Saturday, January 28, 2012

CSAYL Update

If you're a CSAYL fan then you'll want to hop on over and check out the latest announcement over on the challenge blog.

As for the Midnight Scramper blog, I'm going to take a much needed break for a bit.  I love this hobby so so much, but some health issues have absolutely killed my mojo for the moment.   I need to focus on getting me better, and spending as many of my "good days" with my family right now as possible. 

I'm not sure when I'll be back to posting on a regular schedule, but hopefully I'll be able to pop in every once in a while and share a little something with you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wow - it's been awhile

Hi there!
I know, I's been awhile. 

The kids just got back in school from their Winter break.  Between the holidays, entertaining two munchkins for almost three weeks, and taking charge of some health problems, my time in the craft room has been non existent.  Oh, and did I mention that we're house shopping too?!

I just wanted to pop in quick today and let you know that I'll be continuing my CSAYL 2012 design team call through the end of this week.  If you're interested, please send me an email by THIS Sunday.  Just include a link to your blog and a sentence or two about yourself.  Send it to bruckler at comcast dot net.  I've had fun looking through all of the applications so far and checking our all of your blogs.  There sure is a lot of talented stampers out there!

I'll be contacting new team members next week!