Thursday, April 10, 2008

El primio arte y pico!

Look what I received this morning from Tiffany over at My Crafty World! Thanks Tiffany - you made my day. After blogging for only three months, I'm already hooked! I know there are MANY blogs out there in "blog-land", and I really appreciate those of you who stop by to check out my little creations.

After doing a little research, here are some things that I learned about this award:
  • It means (something like) Award for art, artistry & a kiss on the cheek
  • According to the Arte y pico blog, where the award originated, it is given to blogs which "nourish and enrich my spirit and creativity. In these blogs I see dedication, creativity, care, companionship, joyfulness and overall art, so much art. With this award, I want to give attention to those bloggers who day after day share this space and enrich everyday a little bit more."

Here are the rules I was given for this award:

  1. Choose five blogs that I consider deserving of this award and post their names / links
  2. Include a link to the arte y pico blog and the person who sent it to me.

Therefore, without further ado, I offer the Primio Arte Y Pico to:

Thanks again Tiffany - you made my day!

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